A Happy October Snow

11 10 2009

Good afternoon!

What an exciting day! It is actually beautiful out today. The sun is out, the wind is soft and Fall is definitely in the air. However, I have a foreboding feeling that we are actually going to get some snow tomorrow.

Winter Weather Terms for Minnesota from the National Weather Service at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/mpx/?n=wwadef .

Winter Weather Terms for Minnesota from the National Weather Service at http://www.crh.noaa.gov/mpx/?n=wwadef .

The State Climatology Office’s information says yesterday was the first time Minnesota has seen measurable snow in October since 2002 when .6″ fell on Oct 20-21. The crazier statistic is that it has only snowed in the first half of the month 8 times in sixty years with all but three of those being less than .5″.

The National Weather Service has updated their Winter Weather Advisory to include the Twin Cities region. Since this is our first advisory of the season I put together the winter terms (left) our clients need to know as a refresher going into the winter season (I just got kind of used to fall).

Check out more information on winter weather at in our Knowledge Base.

Best of luck traveling tomorrow!


Frost/Freeze Tonight

8 10 2009

And it begins…

Snowy Bridge at Memorial Park in Shakopee, MN

Snowy Bridge at Memorial Park in Shakopee, MN

National Weather Service is calling for freezing weather across much of Minnesota tonight with lows in the low 30s in the Twin Cities. However, they have added the nice little fact of accumulation up to 1″ in spots for Friday night/Saturday! I can’t imagine it will stay on any hard surfaces but we are at that time of year when crazier things have happened.

With all the rain we have gotten, plants should be in decent shape but be sure to water your evergreens well before the ground freezes solid. Evergreens (pines, spruce, yews, rhododendrons, etc.) use water all winter long and need a good supply of groundwater going to come out still green and not all brown and crispy.

Don’t forget to brave the cold for Shakopee Chamber along with Shakopee Park and Rec’s annual Pumpkins in the Park on Saturday at Memorial Park starting at 4:00 pm. Hope to see you there!

Have a great night!



24 05 2007

Doesn’t today feel good?!?! Other than the desire to curl up on the couch and nap for the afternoon… We had some nasty storms come through last night but this morning at 6ish started a nice light-moderate rainshower that hasn’t let up all day giving us a great soaking rain that we needed badly.

Pretty much all May we have had a strong wind and bright sunshine that has thoroughly dried out the turf and everything looks a sad yellow despite our irrigation efforts. This rain and lightning will certainly green things up and make the grass look happy again.

Quercus has taken the day off today and will pick up the scheduled mowing and projects tomorrow. We will obviously be a day behind next week too due to Memorial Day Weekend.

Have a great day!
