Frost/Freeze Tonight

8 10 2009

And it begins…

Snowy Bridge at Memorial Park in Shakopee, MN

Snowy Bridge at Memorial Park in Shakopee, MN

National Weather Service is calling for freezing weather across much of Minnesota tonight with lows in the low 30s in the Twin Cities. However, they have added the nice little fact of accumulation up to 1″ in spots for Friday night/Saturday! I can’t imagine it will stay on any hard surfaces but we are at that time of year when crazier things have happened.

With all the rain we have gotten, plants should be in decent shape but be sure to water your evergreens well before the ground freezes solid. Evergreens (pines, spruce, yews, rhododendrons, etc.) use water all winter long and need a good supply of groundwater going to come out still green and not all brown and crispy.

Don’t forget to brave the cold for Shakopee Chamber along with Shakopee Park and Rec’s annual Pumpkins in the Park on Saturday at Memorial Park starting at 4:00 pm. Hope to see you there!

Have a great night!


Frost Tonight – What can you still do for fall?

29 09 2009

Good morning –

I am a die-hard summer guy. Fall is without a doubt my least favorite season. Please don’t yell at me – I know the leaves are beautiful, the sweaters are comfy and we finally get to watch college football after a long KC Royals season. However I have never been able to wrap my little head around the fact that it is the season of death. All that nature spent the entire summer creating is crashing to the ground in a matter of days.

Today is one of those days. We had some patchy frost through the Twin Cities and Minnesota last night but expect more this evening with the calm winds and clear sky. What can you do to

A ravine at the MN Arboretum in late fall.

A ravine at the MN Arboretum in late fall.

save your plants?

1) Plants that are prone to frost damage – basil, tomatoes, annual flowers – should be watered during the day and allowed to dry off, then covered with a light cloth. Watering is important because it fills all the cells up with water and makes them stronger and less susceptible to damage.

2) If you want to have some nice color from flowers after the first frosts there is still time to get fall-flowering plants in your beds. Pull out the cold-averse annuals and put in some mums, snapdragons or pansies that will survive temperatures down to 27 or 28 degrees.

3) Now is also the time to be planting spring-flowering bulbs. Daffodils are one of my favorite along with tulips and crocus. You plant them in fall and they emerge in spring with great color and fanfare.

So you are right, fall gets a bad rap in my brain as simply the season of death and destruction

Fall Containers

Fall Containers

followed with cold and darkness. I should be able to look at fall for the incredible process it is where plants and animals prepare for winter. Fortunately for my wife and family, I am able to embrace fall once the inevitable begins and see the beauty for what it is and pull out of my funk. It also helps to plant bulbs to remind me of the promise of the coming spring!

Have a great day!
