Quercus News: How can you save 89,000 gallons of water in one month? Install a Smart Irrigation Controller

3 09 2009

The newest addition of Quercus News was just sent out! We talk this month about how we installed a Smart Irrigation Controller on a small commercial site that saved

A smart controller looks just like a regular controller except it is hooked to a weather station on site. It then waters to whatever the turf needs in the current weather.

A smart controller looks just like a regular controller except it is hooked to a weather station on site. It then waters to whatever the turf needs in the current weather.

89,000 gallons of water and $235.00 in costs. I am pretty excited! Here it is:

Quercus News: How can a Smart Controller help you?

Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend and go Cyclones!


Water (and Cash) Conservation with Smart Irrigation Controllers

2 09 2009

Good afternoon all!

I am studying the numbers from a smart irrigation controller we installed in the beginning of August with wonderful results. I will send it out in our Quercus News tomorrow – but here is a little preview. We saved over 88,000 gallons of water on a fairly small retail site over what would have normally run in August. It has amazed me.

Have a great day and look for our newsletter tomorrow.


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