Visit the MN Arboretum this Week

26 04 2010

Yesterday was a bit cool and windy but that weather was easily trumped by the beautiful trees, bulbs and perennials that are in bloom at the MN Arboretum right now. The Minnesota Arboretum (or Artabreedum as Jean insisted) is a great place for Property Managers to discover plants they might want to incorporate in their landscapes or just leave that to me and enjoy the beautiful walk. Here are some pictures from yesterday:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

You can check out all of our photos on

Have a great day!


Frost/Freeze Tonight

8 10 2009

And it begins…

Snowy Bridge at Memorial Park in Shakopee, MN

Snowy Bridge at Memorial Park in Shakopee, MN

National Weather Service is calling for freezing weather across much of Minnesota tonight with lows in the low 30s in the Twin Cities. However, they have added the nice little fact of accumulation up to 1″ in spots for Friday night/Saturday! I can’t imagine it will stay on any hard surfaces but we are at that time of year when crazier things have happened.

With all the rain we have gotten, plants should be in decent shape but be sure to water your evergreens well before the ground freezes solid. Evergreens (pines, spruce, yews, rhododendrons, etc.) use water all winter long and need a good supply of groundwater going to come out still green and not all brown and crispy.

Don’t forget to brave the cold for Shakopee Chamber along with Shakopee Park and Rec’s annual Pumpkins in the Park on Saturday at Memorial Park starting at 4:00 pm. Hope to see you there!

Have a great night!


Great Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Booklet

22 09 2009

Good Fall afternoon! (bums me out to say that)

Tomorrow I am giving a presentation at Ryan Companies at their Brown Bag Seminars (promoting work/life balance. Ryan is great!) about how to improve water quality with your own landscape and ran across this wonderful booklet from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) called “Green Spaces, Clean Waters. Landscaping ideas to improve water quality along the Mississippi River.”

It has ideas for your commercial sites, home and neighborhood. Check the booklet cover below (opens as pdf) and have a great day!

